Transform your health at Coastline Wellness.

Chris McKinley, MPAS, PA-C, and Star McKinley, founders of Coastline Wellness in Leland, NC, prioritize their own health and well-being while empowering others to do the same. Through their dedication to functional medicine, they lead by example, inspiring individuals to take charge of their health journey and feel their best.

Coastline Wellness Star & Chris McKinley

Transform your health at Coastline Wellness.

Chris McKinley, MPAS, PA-C, and Star McKinley, founders of Coastline Wellness in Leland, NC, prioritize their own health and well-being while empowering others to do the same. Through their dedication to functional medicine, they lead by example, inspiring individuals to take charge of their health journey and feel their best.

Coastline Wellness Wilmington NC

Why choose Coastline Wellness?

Coastline Wellness is a functional medicine clinic in the Wilmington, NC area that stands out for its unique blend of expertise and dedication to holistic well-being. Led by Chris McKinley, MPAS, PA-C, and backed by a team with diverse backgrounds in fitness, military service, and medicine, we offer a comprehensive approach to health care.

We go beyond traditional medicine by integrating alternative therapies such as IV therapy hormone replacement, and ketamine therapy, providing innovative solutions for optimal health. Our focus on functional medicine ensures that we consider the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit in our approach.

holistic care


We provide holistic care, addressing all aspects of well-being for comprehensive health.

personalized approach


We offer a personalized approach, tailoring treatments to each individual's unique needs for optimal wellness.



We empower individuals to take control of their health journey, providing the tools and support needed for lasting well-being.